Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You Tell 'Em Mr. President!

In one of his first foreign policy moves, President Obama told the Islamic world, specifically the bad guys, “the Americans are not your enemy.” Thank you, Mr. President, for clearing that up. I'm glad we got that straight. Do you think any one was listening?

I have a question for the President, "What are you going to do when its clear that the Islamic world isn't listening, tell them again?"

An what will you do when the next wave of attacks occurrs on American soil or against American interests? Will you keep the pressure up until the terrorists want to talk or will you give them time to regain strength while we talk and they catch their breath?

I think asking the terrorists to talk is a noble idea, but do you think its effective against an enemy who's belief system doesn't allow bargaining with their faith? Negotiating takes two active participants, otherwise its called a monologue. If you're interested in giving a monologue I'd rather listen to Jerry Seinfeld.


Anonymous said...

Well said. Of course he could do what Clinton did and bomb an abandoned factory, that showed them huh.

Im giving him a chance but so far one week in Im underwhelmed.

AJ said...

I've come to the realization that the terrorists have said all they really want to say. Their actions don't indicate that they're interested in a meaningful two way discussion. The only way we'll get that discussion is with our boot on their neck.