Sunday, September 7, 2008

True Colors Shine Through

So Oprah refuses to have Gov Palin as a guest on her show. Oprah's reasoning is that she decided not to use her show to support political candidates since she declared her support for Obama. So if you have one of the largest daytime talk shows with an enormous viewing audience and you choose not to invite a political candidate on to discuss all sides of the issues, isn't that the same as using your show to support a candidate? Isn't a lie of ommision still a lie? I'd like to see Oprah invite Gov Palin on and discuss the issues. Maybe Oprah doesn't want her viewing audience to see her true colors. Is Oprah afraid that the public won't like what they hear and see? This may be the first crack in the 'O' empire. I find this position very interesting given that Oprah has quite a history of showcasing powerful women. Why, I wonder, would she not want to showcase 'this' powerful woman?

To me, the real statement is that Gov Palin represents a real and dangerous threat to the Democratic candidates. Opportunities for Gov Palin to speak in big venues with media coverage will only benefit the the McCain-Palin ticket. Her wholesome, down-home values rings true with most of America.

Its easy to forget that all of the country is not NY or LA. This is a hug country with most of the folks living in middle America. I think the thin veneer on Obama's message of change has rubbed off and the country is seeing a VP candidate who is is 14K solid gold . Stay tuned. This is going to be a good show.

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