Monday, November 3, 2008

The Big Tuesday

Its been a while since my last rant.

So here's what I'm thinking on the night before Super Tuesday.

I really hope my income taxes don't go up tomorrow. I think the $250,000 ceiling is about to get a lot lower in Obama's tax cut. As it stands now, the top 40% of the tax brackets generate 95% of the income tax revenue. Isn't that enough? Can't the other 60% of the U.S. bring in the remaining 5% of the revenue?

I hope we don't get to see the Obama/Biden response to a terrorist attack on the U.S. When Joe Biden warns us that the response from the White House would shock most Americans we should get ready to start learning how to speak other languages. I don't want the White House to be associated with white flags.

McCain's age and his "poor" health concern many. He's been healthy enough to campaign for 2 years and still be a contender despite all of the biased reporting against him. I have complete confidence in Sarah Palin to get the job done. A woman who can raise 5 kids and still find time to run a State government has her act together. I think her lack of experience in DC is a benefit and not a hindrance. Albert Einstein is famous for saying, "you can't fix a problem the same mind that created it." Sarah isn't burdened with a mind stuck in the "DC Paradigm."

Obama doesn't talk about winning the war in Iraq, he talks about ending it. That's pretty defeatist to me. Hey, didn't we hand over a big portion of the security situation in Iraq to the Iraqi government? I don't remember hearing about a big implosion in the Middle East. Sure smells like we're closing on a victory to me.

Obama already has the billions of dollars that we spend in Iraq promised to the American taxpayers for projects in this country. Don't forget that he's going to lower your tax rate and spend A LOT MORE OF YOUR MONEY. Sounds like some funny accounting practices there.

I work for the government and know firsthand how cumbersome the government can be when they get involved. The government always does things slowly, expensively and never well because they can't always get the best and brightest workers (I work for the government remember?). I don't want more government in my life.

Where has Joe Biden been in the last few weeks? Oh, he's been banished into obscurity because his famous mouth ran away with the real truth about the Obama platform. Kind of scary when they sideline the guy who got Obama this far because he gave us a candid look behind the curtain.

Tomorrow is a big day America. Don't blow it.

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