Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The OMB Did Not Get the Memo

Today, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a 9 page report online that called into question the Environmental Protection Agency's analysis of the potential danger 6 greenhouse gases posed to people. In a bold statement, OMB reportedly called into question the science behind the EPA's judgments on the damages caused by greenhouse gases.

This document was pulled and a rebuttal from the Director of the OMB has been posted on the White House website. One can't find the original OMB document that caused the media stir today. That must be because the offending document has been pulled for "review" and will be re-issued with the offending statements removed.

I guess OMB did not get the memo that the discussion on global warming or climate change has been concluded. Here's a brief summary of the memo "the data on global warming is beyond refuting" (the President says as he waves his hand enacting the famous Jedi mind trick).

Sure, I'll believe that one. I wonder how many more days Rahm Emmanuel is going to have a job. Isn't he the one who should be controlling the 'message' and making sure that all of the government agencies are pushing a coordinated message?

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