Thursday, April 30, 2009

GITMO Detainees May Be Held in the U.S.

SecDef Robert Gates asked for $50 million to build a detention facility to hold the estimated 50-100 really, really bad people [we can't call them terrorists any more] that we won't turn over to another country.

Acutally, I'm all for releasing every single detainee. And I mean free to go. Escort them to the airline gate, give them a first class ticket and $100 and load them on the plane in their orange jump suits. Once they land in their home countries they are not our problem anymore. I don't think they will be readily able to join with their terrorist brothers because the "bad people" might suspect that we've put GPS tracking chips up their orifices. Essentially, these guys are ruined.

Just for fun, we should place each one of these guys under general anesthesia for a quick 'procedure' making them think that they've been bugged. I love mind-fucking with people!

And if we encounter these guys on the battlefield again, our boys should just put a $0.38 bullet between their ears and save us the trouble of feeding them in perpetuity.

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