Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Maverick

John McCain did it again. His well known reputation as a maverick came to the fore again when he chose Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. Top notch. The Democrats and the media have been critical of McCain's choice mostly citing Gov Palin's lack of experience. What I think really has the Democrats scared is that Gov Palin is a straight-talking 'doer' who believes in transparency.

What do I mean that she's a 'doer?' Well, Gov Palin served as an elected city councilwoman, mayor, lieutenant governor and governor in the state of Alaska. She's held four executive positions in government and in several of them she beat the 'good ole boys' convincingly.

So what's the big difference between being in the executive vice the legislative branch of government. In the legislature they develop and pass bills which, when signed as laws, are turned over to the executive branch for execution. The governor is responsible for running the state and taking care of the day-to-day business like fixing the roads, paying the bills, and making decisions.

So why is it harder to be a governor than a legislator? Legislators only have to come up with an idea and generate support for an idea to become a law. It doesn't have to be a good idea or one that will work best for the majority of the people. What do they care, they don't have to make their idea work, that's the governor's job. And if the governor fails to make a bad idea work, it wasn't the legislator's fault, the governor must've botched it right?

Now we get to the heart of what scares the Democrats. Gov Sarah Palin gets the job done and done right. It may not be pretty (it hardly ever is), but the everyday Joe wants someone to do the dirty jobs. This is where Obama and Biden (and even McCain) don't measure up.

In my book, Gov Palin beats the pants off Obama when it comes to having the right experience. I'll take a hockey mom with honest dirty under her finger nails over a smooth talker who's ideas are about an inch deep any day.

Stay tuned because this election is going to be interesting.

1 comment:

Stitch said...

I found it aggravating, if not unexpected, that MSM immediately jumped on the "lack of experience" theme. As AJ wrote, this is absolutely not the case. Lack of experience in the D.C. swamp... certainly... and that's not a bad thing in my book. Lack of experience in an executive postion? I'd wager Palin is much better prepared than the Messiah Twins or even McCain.

You want "Change"? Put fresh blood in D.C. with a proven reformist background... like the Madame Governor from Alaska.
