Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Government Managed For Sure


Did the President ask Rick Wagonner to step down in a pre-emptive move to prevent AIG like backlash? William Holstein make sit sound like Mr. Wagonner's stepping down was a bad move. Especially in light of his named replacement, Mr. Henderson, who has more experience on Wall St. and not so much car building experience.

Even scarier is the perception of zealotry within the immediate Obama White House aides who have been quoted as saying "they are going to remake the entire G.M. board." This statement should be scarier than Freddy Kruegger on Elm St. This "we know better than you about everything" attitude is going to get us into trouble. The last things we need are political hacks messing up the economy further.

I think GM is about to get "Government Mis-managed."

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