Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This is the begining of the end

Well, Harry and Nancy have done it. The country is ready to lynch the bonus fat executives at AIG. They stirred up enough malice that even op-ed columnists and President Obama were scared of the possible outcomes.

So now 15 of the 20 top bonuses at AIG have been voluntarily returned. The others are still considering their options. What's also happening at AIG is the top talent is leaving. Why stay and try to save the ship working 80-90 hours a week when you don't get adequate compensation? Screw it, I'd go find another job, too.

Granted some of these people who resigned from AIG are the ones that kicked off this mess (they aren't the only ones responsible though). But at the same time, these people leaving the market are the ones with the smarts and situational awareness to help fix the problem. By why stay when there is nothing in it for them? Why stay when your hard work won't be properly rewarded? I don't blame them a bit for resigning.

Harry and Nancy have done a good job at wrecking the capitalists economic model which rewards hard work with financial compensation. The threat of a punitive tax code was enough to send executives searching for other jobs at non-TARP firms. Way to go.

What Harry and Nancy don't understand is that leadership is about motivation and reward. What am I saying, Harry and Nancy know everything there already is to know about leadership. Silly me.

Well congratulations folks. You've successfully de-motivated the top tier of our economic system. Way to go. I'm sure we'll pull out of this recession(a.k.a. depression) in no time.

BTW, look at this video if you have any doubts as to the Democratic party's true path. This video should scare you if you earn a decent salary. Remember, mid-term elections are just around the corner!

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