Monday, March 16, 2009

The Pot Calls the Kettle Black

Or was he the kettle? I get confused sometimes.

President Obama is outraged that AIG is paying its executives $165 million in bonuses the company is contractually obligated to pay. The President called these payments outrageous and has directed Secretary Geithner to try to recoup the money for the taxpayers.

Let me try this one more time. The man who pushed for, and signed into law, one of the biggest pork bills ever to successfully cross the President's desk is incensed about loose spending of the taxpayer's dollar. Really?

Maybe the President should take care of his own house before cast aspersions at others. There is so much wastage in the Spendulus Bill (I borrowed this term from my friend Stitch...) that several concientious Governors refuse Spendulus money on the account that its wasteful.

I do understand the backlash there is against this company, but if we, as a government, agreed to bail it out to keep it from failing and hurting the economy worse, then AIG needs a mechanism to retain quality management staff. To default on its contractual bonuses would be bad and encourage these executives to walk and find other work. Some would argue that wouldn't be bad given the state we're in, but we did decide to save this company.

I can't argue that bad decisions put the country in this pickle. Life is about surviving bad decisions and moving on. How does the timeless adage go? "Judgment comes with experience and experience is gained from bad judgment."

A Spendocrat calling out the banks for wasteful spending still tickles me. Its even funnier that he doesn't see the joke himself.

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