Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obama's Historic Election

Last night, the President referred to his election over John McCain, the Republican Presidential candidate, as "historic." His election as the first black President wasn't historic, but the election of a Democrat over a Republican was historic?

I wonder why he considers that historic? Its only happened several times this decade, let alone since our country was founded.

The President went on the clarify that his election was historic because it was a "signal" that the Nation unaninmously endorses his entire political portfolio and value system. Maybe that's why we're not seeing the political debate that we used to. Apparently, the debate on all of the issues past, present and future occurred prior to November 4, 2008 and were decided that night.

I don't quite see it that way Mr. President. Each idea and issue is a new opportunity for discussion and decision. Each issue is a chance for us to see how you work. Abdicating our individual thought for four years will take us quite a long ways down the path to tyranny.

In hindsight, Sen. McCain's age and health was a big issue compared to President Obama's youth and vigor. In addition, McCain was guilty by association of political party. Its clear that the Bush administration was not well liked in its final years. Much of that disdain was stirred up by the liberal left who foamed at the mouth at the mention of Bush's name.

But I digress. Last night we got a look inside the President's mind and saw how he views his current position. He believes that we ALL agree with him. His values are yours and my values. Not so, Mr. President.

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