Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Smooth Talking

Special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen recently returned from a diplomatic visit to Pakistan that was supposed to strengthen ties between the two countries. Well...it looks like their well-crafted visit and special Obama message didn't have the intended effect.

One Paksitan analyst said "This is probably the worst-ever visit by an American team to South Asia in history. ... It was a complete disaster. ... And if this is how you want to win friends, I just wonder how you want to create enemies."

Holbrooke and Mullen were front men for the $10 billion aid package being drafted in Congress. The bill is sponsored by Representative Howard Berman (D-CA) who is also chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Again, analysts say "the bill is loaded with conditions that even the most stable government would find difficult to fulfill." This looks like a wonderful piece of legislation designed to piss people off by trying to make the world into America. Nice job, ass clown.

At least President Bush gave our allies a chance to win in their own country. Now Pres. Obama is going to tell our friends "choose us or keep your own people happy." If I remember correctly, that was Bush's demand for our enemies.

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